
Most people have a mission statement others have a vision; welcome to both. I recently began writing professionally. Over the years, I have written nineteen different books and screenplays. As a Christian author, I wanted to maintain the integrity of why I am writing and for who I am writing. I discovered through ‘Chasing the Devil’s Kettle,’ God wanted me to write about the outcast, the forgotten, the overlooked, and those dealing with their own painful stories. Using different things that happened in my life made the book relatable, although I would not call this an autobiography. I could relate to the chaos of drugs, bad habits, dancing, and making extreme decisions with no particular destination in mind. I was always on the run, running from God, and running from myself. I became so comfortable in my pain, I allowed it to smother me with fear, and that lead to recklessness.

The Bible tells us to, “Confess your fault one to another that you may be healed.” Another reference says, “Confess your sins one to another that you may be healed.” Everyone has a story; we have our fair share of pitfalls, stumbling blocks, nightmares, and horrors we don’t want to face, let alone, share with anyone else, including God. He knows everything about us and calls us to trust Him, even when we find it hard to trust others.

It is my hope that this site will allow us to experience the love of God through fellowship. I have accepted God’s calling on my life to write stories that reveal our redemptive gracious God, no matter how terrifying the story might be. Most of us can say, “I could write a book about my life,” and that would be a true statement. On the other hand, I want to write about the redeeming God I have come to know experientially. Not only did He change my life in the natural, He changed me spiritually. I am not the same. I am not who I used to be, and the last thing I want to do is resurrect the old me, but I do from time to time. If I were to ask you, “Have you ever resurrected the dead,” all of you would think two things; one she’s crazy, and two I don’t have that kind of power, and the truth is, we do it all the time. We bring back to life what is supposed to be dead; kind of like the old cartoon that never dies, even though a bulldozer fell on top of it.

This site is meant for you…

The silent sufferer

The lost

The grieving,

The depressed

Those hooked on drugs

The outcast, and alone

The Christian who feels they are not worthy of God’s love and forgiveness

Those who make one mistake after another until they are fully persuaded they are the mistake.

I want you to hang on, trust in, cling to, and rely on The God of Hope. His hope carried me through my despair. I am convinced through His word He wants to carry you, He knows you are weary. If you have lived anything like me, then I know you are weary. Here is what I have learned… satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy, while Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. Jesus is gentle; he waits for the invitation and hears the cry of our heart. He said, while you are yet speaking I will answer you. He wants a beautiful encounter with you, in a very real relationship.

I hope as you walk this path with me, you see the love of God, the redemption of God, and the joy and hope of His calling on your life. He has a purpose for your life; He can use your pain to help someone else struggling to choose life. While my mission may be to write as many redemptive books as I can, the vision is to see you set free. I long for us to experience hope and encounter God together. After all, the Bible says, “Who for the Joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross despising the shame.” We were the Joy that was set before Him, King Jesus. He saw your face while hanging on that cross, and He died a sinners death that you could live, and not only live but live in Him, as partakers of the kingdom. Jesus went away to prepare for us.

Our life on earth is temporal, but we have eternal life. No devil in hell can trample on, abuse, belittle, or make us afraid… we are overcomers together. That is my vision; welcome home.